


Portugal is not a small country: it's concentrated! Within a short distance you'll find a great diversity of landscapes, from snow to beaches as far as the eye can see. Golden mountains and plains, vibrant, cosmopolitan cities and an ancient heritage rich in history and culture. With more than 1,200 kilometers of coastline, Portugal offers the opportunity to practice water sports, play golf on the best courses in the world, ride on top-class motorcycle and car tracks, be dazzled by a special nature, or set out to discover heritage, wines and unparalleled gastronomy.




      ► The Portuguese People

The best Portuguese resource: the human being. Kind and welcoming, the Portuguese have an almost genetic tradition of welcoming everyone. The country is located at the tip of Europe's west coast, and is the gateway to the Schengen area.



      ► Geographical Location

Did you know that Lisbon and Porto are just two and a half hours by plane from Paris or London?

At the convergence of three continents - Europe, Africa and America - it has always been a central point on the most important international routes. Here you'll find international airports all over the country - Lisbon, Faro and Porto have regular connections to the world's main cities. 

Portugal is served by a modern network of overland routes available to anyone wishing to set sail. From Lisbon it takes just two hours to Porto or Faro, the main cities in the north and south of Portugal, and around six hours to Madrid.



      ► Climate

With mild winters and hot, dry summers, the climate is Mediterranean-Atlantic and is considered one of the most pleasant and comfortable. Portugal has the highest number of hours of sunshine in Europe, reaching 3,300 in the south of the country and 1,600 in the north.



      ►  Portugal institution

Portugal has a democratic parliamentary regime with political, economic and social stability and almost nine centuries of well-established geographical borders. A member of the European Union for 30 years and part of the European Monetary System, using the single European currency, according to the World Bank, Portugal ranks 25th in the world as an economic system, with one of the highest GDP growth rates in the last 40 years among OECD countries.

Portugal is the 5th most peaceful country in the world out of a sample of 153 countries (Global Peace Index 2016) and ranks 28th out of 182 countries in Transparency International (Corruption Perception Index 2015).



      ►  Tax enforcement

Portugal is also one of the best countries in which to buy a house. Clear and transparent tax rules make it easier to obtain a residence permit, particularly for foreign investors.
There is also a special regime for non-habitual residents, aimed at attracting foreign investors through very favorable income tax rates.




Part of the information represented here is supported by the Turismo de Portugal website