Local accommodation awaits new guidelines on the role of local authorities in granting licenses



The Local Accommodation sector in Portugal is in a moment of transition, awaiting clarification of the role of local authorities in granting new licenses. In 2023, LA recorded its best year ever, accounting for 42% of tourist overnight stays in the country. However, with the growth in activity, concerns have been raised about the impact of this phenomenon on access to housing, especially in large cities.



Currently, municipalities already have the ability to regulate Local Accommodation, but they face challenges in areas of greater urban and tourist pressure, where the saturation of LA supply has created tensions with permanent residents.



The new legislation, promised by the government in the near future, should clarify and strengthen municipal competencies, allowing local authorities to have greater autonomy to manage the issuing of licenses. This measure is part of an attempt to ensure a balance between the development of tourism and the protection of the housing market.



Among the main expectations are: 


  The definition of stricter criteria for the approval of new licenses and the creation of restricted areas, where the number of LAs can be limited according to local housing needs.
► The possibility of reviewing licenses that have already been issued, with the aim of adjusting the supply of LA to the urban and tourist realities of each region.



This issue was widely discussed during the national congress of the Association of Local Accommodation in Portugal (ALEP), where the association's president, Eduardo Miranda, highlighted the need to find a fair balance that favors both LA owners and permanent residents of the urban areas most affected.\



The clarification of this legislation is eagerly awaited, as it could define the future of LA in the country, with a direct impact on the real estate market and tourism.